perm filename RAND[RLL,DBL]1 blob sn#649958 filedate 1982-03-29 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
∂24-Mar-82  1323	Gary R. Martins <gary at RAND-AI> 	Re: What's the buzz?     
In-Reply-To: Your message of 26-Dec-81 2354-PST

Russ -

Now it can be told.  I am leaving Rand shortly -- a move whose
motivations have been brewing for a long time.  Believe it or
not, back to the days of our last exchange re a meeting.  For
this reason, I have been reluctant to start up new contacts,
initiatives, people,.... since I expect that the overall situation
here may be rather different.  On the other hand, it took forever
to get the issues clarified etc.  Hence the long period of
non-commitment, non-activity, etc.  Sorry you got caught in it.

My understanding is that the planning project is either dead or
in a coma, but I should let others speak for such things now.
If you are still interested, I would suggest you contact Tony
Hearn (hearn@rand-ai), who has succeeded me as research program

I would hope that our paths may cross under far more favorable
circumstances one day.  I would, among other things, like to hear
what the state of RLL is now, and what your plans are for future
work in that area.
